May 19, 2012

Along the Coastline

7-8 April 2012, Sepanjang Beach - Baron Beach, Gunung Kidul, DIY

Campfire full of delicious food and loud laughter in the night, time to walk in the morning. After morning prayer, all the equipment was packed and loaded into the bus so we only had to bring as little as possible. 10 people, not knowing what the future would bring, walked towards destiny. The first 10 minutes was fine, smiling happily a s bright as the sunshine, until…… our way was blocked by a steep coral cliff. The options we got were to walk through the road or through the cliff, half climbing half walking. We determinedly chose the second option.

I was taken aback knowing that our path was a very difficult one. I mean, we could hardly get moving, the wave trying to take us down, the cliff hurting our hands and bodies, almost stuck in the middle of the coral cliff, waiting till the sea level fell down. But then, it was a miracle that a part of the reef was possible to be climbed. One by one, we climbed up, though half of us almost fall down, we finally made it. The land full of pandan was welcoming us.

When we found road once again, I realized that it was only 3 minutes walk from Sepanjang Beach and we haad risked our life instead of walking easily. Giving up on the hard way, we walked until the road came to a dead end. We continue our way through forests, hills, fields, sandy beaches and villages. In 5 hours, we were offered souvenirs from Baron Beach. As usual, that place was full of people.

Sweating and breathing hard, I got an enormous experience in our way from Sepanjang to Baron Beach. Life is only once they said. Will never forget everything that happened that day. All thanks to these guys. Can’t wait for the next adventure! J

pictures: M. Averus Zaman

transport: Rp 500.000 colt Jogja-Sepanjang-Jogja capacity:15ppl (@Giwangan Bus Station)
food&drink: less than 10K per meal @Baron Beach
camping: Rp 25.000 a night @Sepanjang Beach (toilet and freshwater)

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